The Sad Decline In Outdoor Play

Building sandcastles, searching for bugs, climbing trees, making dens – the list could go on and on for fun, free things to do in the great outdoors.  Although according to a survey of 2000 people commissioned by the Eco Attrrations Group sadly a third of them have never splashed in puddles and half of them have never stomped in mud. My younger ones love to don their rainclothes and get wet and dirty.  Don’t get me wrong the older ones are harder to coerce, but once out they forget about the gadgets they have left indoors and use their imaginations to play that so easily get dulled by sitting in front of screens all day long. When the sun is out there is an even greater opportunity to enjoy yourselves.  If you are lucky enough to live by the sea then sandcastle building is a must or making daisy chains in your local park which 66% of families surveyed have never done. Pooh sticks and bug hunting are always are favourite on our list, both of which are completely free. The sad part of this survey is that three quarters of parents would love to spend more time outside but in reality spend only five hours a week outside compared to the eleven hours that they would have spent as children. With our busy lives, trying to create a good work/home life balance.  Taking the time to get outside as a family can often get put to the back of the list, but as someone once said to me.  Will your children remember traipsing round shops and an immaculate home or will they remember the trip to the sea to build sandcastles or climbing trees with their siblings.  I know which memories I would rather create for my children. The statistics in this post were taken from a study commissioned by the Eco Attrations Group.    Binky Linky  

26 thoughts on “The Sad Decline In Outdoor Play

  1. The fondest memories I have from growing up are all from playing outside. Building cubbies in the bushes, drawing chalk lines on the foot paths to make roads, sandpit, trampoline, the list goes on. Such an important thing for littlies to experience.

  2. We absolutely LOVE outdoor play here and it was one of the reasons we moved back to Yorkshire from London, living in the countryside. Lovely post and reminder to all to get outside. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts

    1. We are also lucky enough to have lots of open space around us and I know it’s not a privilege we all have.
      Thank you for the lovely comment, this will hopefully be a regular link up for me x

    1. I was genuinely shocked when I read them. Peppa needs to work a bit harder!!
      I did take two of my daughters friends out the other week and they looked at me like I was mad when I suggested making daisy chains.
      It’s a real shame that theses outdoor activities will soon be a thing of the past if things are changed soon x

  3. Lovely post and so true. My boys love the outdoors although sometimes it is a challenge to get them out but we insist. when they do they run and jump and explore. It is a joy to see. We take them out a lot but what I notice compared to my childhood is the reduction in time that kids play outside on their own. they certainly have less freedom than I did as a child and I know there are reasons for that but I feel it is a loss. That is why we love campsites-as they roam and play outside all day.

    1. Your completely right. We had a green up the road that I would go to with my friends from quite a young age, but I would never let mine out alone. It is a real shame that children have to lead a more and more sheltered life.
      We’ve not been camping yet but if something that I really want to try with them x

  4. We love outdoor play here. My small people are still really young but they can quite often be found attempting to climb trees and building stick dens in the orchard opposite our house. They love it! The worst bit is I can never get them home again!

  5. It’s unbelievable isn’t it that some folk prefer to stay indoors when there is so much to offer outside, and seriously who cares about getting wet or muddy… I think I recognise some of your photos, they are fave spots of ours too 😉

    1. Oh really I love looking through people’s blogs and spotting familiar places.
      Some of my friends think I’m mad wanting to be out all the time, but I can’t stand being cooped up and little ones need time to run around and let of steam x

    1. It really is such a sad situation that our children are in. Technology is a wonderful thing but is also causing a lot of problems.
      I can wait to read your post x

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