Celebrating The Small Things:Week Twenty Four

‘celebrating the small things’ is still something I’m absolutely loving writing and I’ve had so many lovely comments on these posts that it means taking the time to write them is even more special. It has also got me thinking that I would love to hear about some of your little moments that have touched you, so please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Flowers On The School Run – The school run is more often than not a bit of a fraught experience with trying to get the teen out of the depths of his pit, fulfilling the hundreds of different breakfast requests I get and finding shoes and glasses that go missing each and every day!

There is however a brighter side on a couple of days a week when its only Frankie that needs taking to school and we get a chance to have a little chat(often with the strangest of subjects) and without doubt he will always pick me a flower that he clings onto in his sweaty little hand, but I would take this wilted little flower over a big bouquet any day.

Supermarket Clothes – Its not that often these days that I take the time to actually head out and go to the High Street for clothes. With the ease of internet shopping I tend to lazily go for this option which isn’t really as exciting as getting out and about and trying things on.

Supermarket clothing is also something I rarely purchase but much to my excitement the other day I found some real corkers in my local Tesco store.

My swishy pink and red skirt has had so many compliments and I will certainly be checking out the clothing rails alongside my milk and bread from now on.

My Little Sister Getting Hitched – My little sister getting married is actually a really big thing and I head off to Bath with her and a group of friends to celebrate the occasion.

It was lovely to be part of this celebration with her but it was also lovely to spend some time alone with her, without my little ones trying to join in our conversations and demand our attention. It really was a carefree weekend that allowed me to relax and let my hair down and have some quality time with my little sis!

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