How To Clean Wine Stains From The Carpet

[AD] Everyone has found themselves at least once in their life in the difficult situation of cleaning wine stains from the carpet after a birthday party at home or a family gathering. This is not something you should be afraid of, you just have to know how to clean your carpet the right way.

The question is should you use professional carpet cleaning procedures or should you try and deal with the problem yourself?

Everything depends on two main factors – is the wine stain fresh or old, and how much time can you afford to loose attempting to remove the stain yourself. If domestic carpet cleaning is not your preferred way of spending the weekend then you should pick up the phone and contact a carpet cleaning London based company to schedule a service. However if you have nothing more important to do and you are strongly determined to clean the wine stain yourself, follow these tips below:

• The first thing to do when cleaning a carpet is to immediately remove all the liquid. The best way to do this is with paper towels of a kitchen sponge, they will quickly soak up any spills on your carpet.

• If there is still moisture in your carpet, mix one part vinegar with two parts water, mix thoroughly and pour into a clean spray bottle. Spray the affected area gently and apply tissues to absorb the liquid completely. Repeat until the stain has completely disappeared from your carpet.

If the stain could not be completely removed, then it is time to start using household cleaning solutions.

How to get rid of wine stains that have been there for a while.

Where should you start when you are dealing with an old wine stain?

Start with a tried and tested mixture of water and vinegar. It perfectly washes away wine pigment form both natural and artificial hairs.

Then next use household cleaning products. For example washing powder – the main thing is that the product doesn’t corrode the skin of the hands. Dissolve it in mildly hot water and rub throughly into the pile. You can add a few drops of ammonia for the best effect. Remember never apply too much pressure when cleaning g the carpet as you can damage the carpet’s fibres. Moreover, by rubbing the carpet the wine stain may penetrate even deeper into the fibres.

If the above domestic carpet cleaning methods do not help – and your carpet is still ‘flaunting’ with a greasy red spot, the time for the most decisive action has come.

Dampen a cloth with 3% peroxide solution and gently wipe the affected area, then let the liquid dry on its own for an hour or so. Then you can rinse the area with clean water and dry quickly with a hairdryer. Again, there are two important rules to follow – never apply to Koch water or other liquid to the carpet when cleaning it and do not keep the hairdryer too close to the carpet.

If you pour to much liquid onto the carpet it may not dry completely; mould will form and it will start smelling bad. Remember mould is a much more serious problem than a wine stain. It can seriously balm your health!

So if your don’t know how to cope with a stain on your carpet, you should not experiment with it. Book a cleaning service and leave the work to experienced professionals. As you probably know hot water extraction carpet cleaning is the best cleaning procedure you can use for disinfecting and deep cleaning carpets.