Christmas Birthdays Are Pants

 I’m sitting here on the eve of number five’s birthday feeling massive guilt that I can’t muster up the enthusiasm to get the house celebration ready for him tomorrow.
It’s not his fault that we had completely rubbish planning when it came to his birth date, it’s not his fault that I’m suffering complete burn out from all the Christmas celebrations and it’s not his fault everybody will be busy getting ready for New Years Eve.

He will only be turning two and already has a massive pile of untouched toys in his bedroom so we’ve had a real struggle to chose what to get him and we couldn’t plan a big party as most people were away with family for the festive period.  

I always remember friends at school that had Christmas birthdays moaning that their presents were always wrapped in Christmas paper or they just had two present that covered both.

I was determined that this would never happen and only on his second birthday I can already feel if being engulfed by Christmas and New Year.

So after writing this I’m going to hop to it and get this house fit for my birthday boy the same as I would for the others!