IKEA:My Holiday Saviour

I don’t know what it is about the gigantic blue and yellow building that my kids love; but for a cheap trip out during the holidays it is always a winner.

I think for the kids it’s the big winding path filled with life sized playrooms that they can play in, lots of desks that they can sit themselves at and pretend to be playing on the computer, the kids area that they can ask for absolutely everything to make up their dream room.


For me it is the ridiculously cheap restaurant that today I feed six of us for under £10 to celebrate my Mum’s birthday.  We really know how to treat her!  And the playground outside that can be used as a bribe for good behaviour whilst we wait in the queue.


8 thoughts on “IKEA:My Holiday Saviour

  1. Haha I love IKEA too. I’m Swedish so not only does it remind me of Sweden it reminds me of my childhood adventures exploring all the showrooms. I take Emma there quite a lot, partly because I can buy Swedish food in the store but also because she loves toddling around playing with everything 🙂 #momsterslink

  2. I love Ikea and oliver loves to explore all the kitchens. Our closest one is quite a drive though so it’s a special trip for us, haha! Also £10 what a bargain!
    Becky x

  3. Brace yourself…I have never been to an IKEA. Never. Hear about them all the time through friends and family but never visited one. Looks like a good day to kill some time out of the summer heat. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.

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