Image Of The Week:All Grown Up


Children are a challange at every age.  Sleepless nights with newborns, tantrums with toddlers, strops and arguments with teenagers; but none of us would have it any other way.

Children growing is a learning curve for both the children and parents.  They are experiencing things for the first time as we are as parents.

With my eldest turning 18 next month I can say that we have taken on every challange along the way and both got lots of them wrong!

I’m sure there are many more challenges to come but for the most part we have got through all the big milestones together and they given us the parent/daughter relationship we have today and I wouldn’t have it any other way X


No One Wants To Play With Me


Since my older children have returned to school after the Easter holidays I have had real problems with number four.  He is a very outgoing, strong willed little boy and to be honest runs rings around the whole family.  He has had an extremely strong character from a young age and knows exactly what he wants.

After two weeks of having everyone around it’s understandable that he is feeling a little lonely and I had this with all the others, but after a few days they would settle back into routine.  With number four this has not happened and it’s really upsetting him.

We have a continual stream of “I have nobody to play with” I try to distract him but nothing is working and when I offer to play with him the expression on his face says it all!

Playgrounds are becoming a nightmare as he is gravitating towards children twice his age who I’ve found are great with him for a while but then understandably get a bit fed up and want to play with their peers.  This then leads to floods of tears followed by “no one wants to play with me”.  It’s so heart wrenching, and I’m at a bit of a loss about how we can get around this.

This is where you see the pros and cons of a large family.  They have their own playmates to hand all the time but when they are taken out of the equation they become lost.

I’ve got my fingers crossed that this is just a phase as its so upsetting for the both of us.