As My Blog Grows So Does My Waistline

It is coming up to nearly two years since I started my blog and my love for it is a strong as the moment I hit publish on my first post which now seems like a lifetime ago!

Blogging has bought me so many wonderful opportunities and I never in a million years thought it would be something that I could turn into a job and I am absolutely over the moon that my little pipe dream has become a reality.

The only downside to staring this journey has been my ever increasing waistline!

All my time and energy are being engulfed by my family and my blog and my passion for exercise has fallen to the wayside and been replaced with a far more sedentary lifestyle. 

I was always a five times a week girl when it came to training in the gym and this would always be a priority, which in turn managed to keep my love for food under control.

In the past two years I have managed to gain a considerable amount of weight that has been really getting me down…yet apart from some sporadic training I have done little about it.

With the New Year started I have decided that with some organisation and getting my butt out of bed they little earlier in the morning I have the ability to give just as much effort to losing weight as I do to my blog and I’m feeling really positive about the changes I have been making.

Last year I attempted to get my old self back by tracking my progress on here.

This was an epic fail so this time I am going to put less pressure on myself, throw away the scales and just get back to a healthier and happier new me.

Wish me luck X

Living Arrows:2/52

This week for my living Arrows post I am sharing a few photos from our after school trip to the park.

It was number four’s 5th birthday at the weekend and he got a much longed for bike, but as we were to busy to get out with it we took a bit of time out after school for him to practice his skills.

Although time passes way to quickly and they all grow within the blink of an eye it is an absolute pleasure to watch them grow and build thier own individual characters.

I can honestly say the all five of mine are completely different and I wouldn’t  change that for the world…well maybe sometimes I would!

Living Arrows

Scootaheadz Danny Dino Review 

All of my children have loved scooting and my eldest son got pretty good, which even lead to a little part time job at a local skate park.

This really rubbed off on the youngest two and now it’s hard to go anywhere without them bringing their scooter along!

Scooters for preschoolers have become increasing popular and a trip to the park can often end up with a bit of a puzzle as to who’s is who’s.

When we were asked to try out the Danny Dino from Scootaheadz I knew the boys would love it and it would be something to add a little individuality to make our scooter stand out from the crowd in the sea of scooters at the park!

Danny Dino arrived and we were immediately taken with his loveable face.

Attaching him to the scooter was super easy. You supply have to make a like room between the handle bars, face his nose towards the sky and slip on, then pull forwards to fix in place.

My boys can destruct anything but he stated firmly in place for the whole trip.

There are other fun and colourful characters than can be chosen that are just as cute as Danny.

We might have to get another one just so he doesn’t get lonely!

*we were provided with the Scootahead for the purpose of this review and they are all my own, honest opinions.

Free Swimming For Under 16’s

The school holidays are upon us and I’m sure as I I’m, your trying to think what you will fill the next 6 weeks with to keep the kids entertained.
It can be a real strain to fill everyday and a major pull on the bank balance.

If you could get out of the house, keep the kids entertained and get them some exercise for free I’m sure you would all jump at the chance!

Well until the 4th September Purley, Waddon, South Norwood, Thornton Heath and New Addington swimming pools are all offering free swimming for under 16’s.

All you need to do is fill out an application form and take along proof of name and address.  The only cost is £2 for the membership card.

I have already signed number two up in a bid to get him of the Xbox and doing some exercise with his friends.

New Year, New Me


Well the first month of the year has been and gone, along with most people’s New Years Resolutions!

I usually start off my New Year with a big long list of all the things I want to accomplish in my brand new clean diary.  A New Year, a new page in the book and so much to look forward too.

The more the year goes and and the less I can tick off the more down I become about achieving these goals which just leads to self doubt and lack of motivation.

This year there have been no lists to adhere to, no big unachievable goals just thoughts and dreams in my head that I will work towards with no time restraints and no pressure.

As with most people a change of lifestyle always appears in the forefront of my mind.  Last year my weightloss journey hit a brick wall and left me feeling deflated and a few  weeks ago I had a wake up call about inflicticting bad eating and body image habits on my children.  So this year there will be no scales, fad diets or unrealistic exercise regimes.  Just clean eating, staying active and not stressing if we sway and have the odd treat!

We are only here once and depriving yourself of the things you love is no fun for anyone.  The moto this year is ‘everything in moderation’. This has been an issue for me for many years as I’ve been an all or nothing kind of person but I need to turn this around and hopefully this year will be my year.  

Climbing Afternoon At White Spider

With a horrible week of colds in this house we were all going a little stir crazy and needed to get out so the children could let off some steam.

Normally we would opt for somewhere outdoors on a Sunday but still not being 100% I couldn’t face the cold weather and the usual rainy day option of soft play is a no no for us at weekends as my blood pressure can’t take it!

Number four had been taking about rock climbing for a while now but I couldn’t find anywhere there had anywhere suitable for his age as he has just turned four until I came across White Spider.

It is a fantastic centre offering climbing and bouldering in a super cool space with a cafe serving yummy refreshments and a  separate area for younger children called Spider Castle which is what we went along to have a look at.

The castle has a climbing wall attached to the outside and several levels inside to climb up and slide down.

I took my youngest three and they all had a fabulous time exploring everything the castle had to offer whilst my husband and I could keep a close eye on them while having a really good coffee!

We spent a good few hours here and the children had a fantastic time.  Number three and four are keen to come back and try the main walls and the bouldering really caught my eye.

The only issue I had was that a few of the staff were less than child friendly which was a shame as the whole place is set up to be really family friendly.


A New Me For Christmas: FAIL

Well a few months ago I set out will every intention of being in the best shape I could for Christmas and started a weekly blog post ‘A New Me For Christmas’ unfortunately this never happened!

I lost my way, started eating way to much and the exercise dwindled.  The Christmas outings and parties then started and any work I had done was completely undone.

Today I have woken up feeling bloated and massively out of shape and in fear of stepping on the scales!  I feel in my worst shape ever and am now eager to get started on a healthy eating regime again.

Just before Christmas I was given some fantastic weight loss shakes and soups from Exante Diet to try out and had fantastic results.  I combined a shake or soup for breakfast and lunch with a healthy dinner and two healthy snacks.  I also did 30/45 mins of HIIT training every day and lost 10lbs in a week!

I was feeling super healthy, my clothes were fitting well and I had bundles of energy.

I’ve never really been a fan of meal replacements but these were great to get me thinking about how much a really needed to eat and with the yummy flavours I found the plan really easy to stick to.  I completely gutted that I didn’t stick to this as the results were fantastic.

I’m under no illusions that I will be able to get right back on track until after the New Year celebrations.  So until then I’m going to start exercising and cut down but still enjoy my last few days if the festive season.  The Exante Diet will defiantly be the way to get me back on track.
I was given the shakes and soups for the purpose of this review and they are all my own honest opinion .

A New Me For Christmas:Week Eight

I’ve been a little quiet on the weight loss front for the past couple of weeks and that’s mainly due to the fact I fell off the wagon spectacularly over half term!

Way to many days out and parties occurred which resulted in not fitting in enough exercise and a large amount of overeating!!


I had a wake up call when my jeans wear getting more than snug again and jumped straight back to it.

I have massively cleaned my diet up again and have got lots of exercise in even with the children.


I did my first buggy run for about six months and throughly enjoyed it.  I’m a gym bunny at heart but love the feeling you get from running outside.  It’s way more invigorating and give you time to clear your head and gather your thoughts.

I’ve had a gain in weight which came as no shock but I’ve taken it as a positive to stay on track from now on.

Week Seven

Weight 10.4

BMI 23

Body Weight 25.4


To exercise outside at least twice a week.

Keep food healthy yet interesting so I don’t waver .

A New Me For Christmas:Week Seven

Well my big night out has come and gone and I can say that I felt a lot happier in my dress than I was expecting.

I’m not where I want to be yet but the weight loss and toning that has happened so far has really helped with my confidence, something of which I wrote about a while ago.

Due to a few to many drinks and a big fried breakfast in the morning my weight has remained the same.  I’m not surprised or disappointed about this as I had a much needed night out with my husband that is far more important than losing a few pounds.

Week Seven

Weight 10

BMI 22

Body Fat 24


Lose another 2lb this week

Make the most of this good weather and train outside

Get the family involved in my training